In case you might be wondering why the title "Take a whiff" I will hope to give out a number of reasons. In a lot of ways it touches various aspects of my biographical sketch and it also has spiritual connotations. In general, to sum up, before I give my lengthy list, smell is curiously important to me.
Here's a few reasons behind the title:
1. I like baseball. "To whiff" means to miss the pitch. I always prided myself on my pitching more than I hitting so this is a positive thing.
2. "Take a Whiff" was my suggestion for a slogan for my friends' band (as I recall it was for a T-shirt). The name of their band was "Abel's Offering" (featuring Stephen Burbidge and Todd Bearisto and no longer in active service) because it was an acceptable offering to God and I thought it was a great slogan-- kind of catchy and with the implication that others were benefitting from their worship. Turns out they hated it; in fact, Todd really hated it and laughed every time I suggested it. I still like it.
3. The smell particle was an elusive scientific theoretical phenomenon that made up a surprisingly significant aspect of my highschool conversation with my closest friends. I still believe that this is an underdeveloped science area.
4. My alias is "B.O. Man." This not-so-fictional character was created at an all-nighter event at Westmount Bible Chapel back in 1994 by Gary Telford for a video. For some strange (I like to think there was no correlation to my particular odor that evening) reason I was selected to play the lead role. It was great fun and an iconic figure was born that would last for another decade of film-making. My friend and I did one half-hour movie called the "Eh Bomb" and then a second longer film was in production that included a larger cast (of staff from Fair Haven Bible Camp in New Carlisle, Quebec) which was never completed and remains on various VHS tapes in my possession.
5. Finally, as the subtitle aludes, Christ's death for us is referred to as a sweet-smelling sacrifice. We are also called to give our lives as "living sacrifices" (Rom. 12:1). Our good things that we do for others are also seen a fragrant offering and pleasing to God (Phil. 4:18). The sacrifice of Christ has pleased God and we are called to emulate that sweet-smelling gracious gift to others around us. That is what this life is all about.
May others be able to "take a whiff" of you!